Health Documentaries (Netflix Edition)

New year new you?

So, it is December, which means it is basically January, which means new year new you? I am not trying to rush us into 2019, but a new year always comes with New Years Resolutions. You know, the usual, eat healthier, go to the gym…

I think resolutions without reasons are difficult to keep. That’s why diets always tend to be difficult, they are temporary. You can’t be on a low fat diet forever, you are bound to slip up. Plus who would want to be on a low fat diet forever.

Healthy eating comes with a healthy lifestyle, it is not about restriction, but about eating real food. Not food-like substances. What are food-substances you may ask? Things that are packaged, but have little to no nutritional value.

All that to say…

In the spirit of being prepared I put together a list of documentaries that talk about health. They are all available on Netflix! Hopefully they will inspire you to make long term healthy lifestyle choices and skip the diet. Maybe we can eat cake and be healthy too!


Although some of the facts in this documentary seem a bit pseudo-science, the general idea of nutrition as medicine is very interesting.


You know that juicing documentary everyone talks about. This guy literally drinks green juice for like a million (exaggeration) days. Seems a bit extreme, but the results are something.


You know that vegan documentary. This documentary really is big on a whole food, plant based diet. Basically vegan. I am not saying go be vegan, but I think we could all use a few more veggies. This documentary also talks about the very famous China Study and it’s connection to health.


Apparently food needs defending. Well, at least real food does. This documentary is the one you want to watch if you don’t want anyone to tell you to stop eating meat, or go exercise all day. It talks about a balanced diet and how the western diet has too much sugar.

What now?

Maybe we should all go cook a homemade meal or something?
