Tattooed Doves Holiday Photo Challenge!

There are a lot of photo challenges out there, but I thought it might be fun to create one for December. I know I know, I have been missing in action for a few months. Summer was busy, then the school year started, but I am back and what better way to get the blog back on track!

The best part about this photo challenge is that in May you can look back at your instagram and get in the holiday spirit again! I celebrate Christmas, but this December photo challenge is open to everyone. A lot of the tags are vague, like fun with friends, grateful, joy, tradition. Some are less so, but feel free to change the tag up a bit if needed.

So, if you have an instagram account use the hashtag #tattooeddovesholiday! I am excited to see what people post! Get creative!

Have a blessed holiday season! More to come soon!
