Styling A Winter Coat

Did you know?

Did you know that in winter people spend, on average, about 90 percent of their time indoors? 90 PERCENT! I think that basically calculates to going outside to get to work then coming back home.

Why do we stay indoors?

First, it is cold. No one wants to wear a giant puffy jacket all day outside. Second, it is cold. Third, you guessed it. Cold. I may be one of the few people who loves winter, I love throwing on layers, but I still stay inside a lot.

I am a professor and this winter I taught four classes, in four different buildings at Northern Virginia Community College. I dreaded the walk between buildings. I’ll be honest, it is not like it was that much walking, but if it is 20 degrees five feet is five feet too much.

The Jackets

Two jackets that got me through this winter: my extra puffy reversible blue and burgundy jacket from Aeropostale and my army green Loft jacket. I got both for a great price. The Loft jacket was $75 and the Aeropostale one was $35. Yes, you read that right, marked down from $100 to $35.

Unfortunately, both jackets are sold out now, so no affiliate links here, but they are great.

Speaking of great deals, sometimes stores surprise you. I was walking by Aeropostale one day and saw several 60 percent off everything signs. I decided to investigate even though Aeropostale seems like a teen store that says AEROPOSTALE on everything. The jacket I found is one of my favorite purchases of 2018.

Why I like The Jackets

I love that they are longer and work with almost any professional outfit. They both look good with skirts and tights or with jeans. In the end, the jackets did not make me go outside more, but they did make me happier when I was outside. They also made me dress nice even though it was freezing.

Long story short, check the sale sections, look in stores that no one is in, you might find a gem! Next year I promise to post as soon as I find a great deal on a winter coat!
