Tips To Stay In Love After Valentine’s Day

It is just after that time of year again, Valentine’s Day. Before February 14th,  roses were a flutter, chocolate was in the air, and relationships were springing out of thin air.(Insert all the heart emojis).

Now, a good month after, the roses are dead in the trash. The candy has been eaten or given out at work and people are thinking about the B word.


Of course, there are the steady relationships. The ones that don’t look forward or hate Valentine’s Day because it is just another day to adore each other, but for the rest of us…

It is only right to write a blog on this momentous occasion—right after Valentine’s Day.

Unfortunately, I find myself grossly unqualified to give advice on what it takes to have a good relationship. I am not a big fan of relationships. So, I commandeered my parents to guest post.

My parent’s Mario and Debra, will celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary in May of 2018. They are, amazingly, still obsessed with each other. Which melts even my sarcastic and cynical heart. I asked them to put together a list of What Makes a Good Marriage/Relationship.  So, without further ado, in the words of Mario and Debra:

What Makes a Good Marriage/Relationship.

  1. The only person you should ever consider marrying is your best friend. This doesn’t mean you can’t have other friends, in fact you should. But, if you are married to your best friend you like the person, not just love them. Friends can work through almost anything.
  2. Everyday. Most of the day. Be silly, you are hanging out with your best friend.
  3. A marriage is not stagnant—it is a living breathing entity. There is always room for improvement, so always be open to change.
  4. Nurture your relationship by making time for each other. Once a month, have someone take the kids, or the dogs and re-connect with each other.
  5. Marriage is not a contest. One person loses, you both lose. One person wins, you both win!
  6. Know when to listen and when to speak. Having the last word is not always important.
  7. Uplift and encourage each other everyday. Make sure your home is a haven for you and those you love.
  8. Be a beacon of hope for those that are having a difficult time. Love does not live in a vacuum—spread your joy and positivity with others.
  9. Be Thankful. I will say it again, be thankful.
  10. Never go to bed mad. You can go to bed disagreeing, but not mad.
  11. Keep God in your relationship. (When asked to elaborate for people who are not religious they said, everyone believes in something morally. Make sure whatever it is you both believe strongly in is part of that marriage or relationship. This could be family, or science, or community outreach.)
  12. Marriage is not a destination it is a journey so back your bags for the long haul and enjoy the adventure with your best friend.

“Love is not love which alters when alteration finds…” William Shakespeare



  1. March 21, 2018 / 9:15 pm


    A great list to follow. Mario and Debra are not Mars and Venus they are one always in love couple.

    I would add be kind, giving, and always showing the other your love for them. Do not expect anything in return. The love you show them will create an unmeasurable love in their heart for you.

    The Alexandria Pie Man.

    • March 21, 2018 / 10:48 pm

      Hello Alexandria Pie Man,

      I hope everyone comes down into the comments to read your additions to the list! I love the concept of showing love instead of always saying it. 🙂