Not Your Ordinary Oatmeal!

It is oatmeal, or porridge, season if you are in the UK. I don’t know about you, but I love oatmeal. It is warm, filling, good for the gut and beats cold cereal especially in these cold months.

Problem is, sometimes oatmeal gets old. Or maybe we just get boring because there are hundreds of ways to have oatmeal! I searched the inter-webs far and wide to find the most original and interesting oatmeal recipes so you don’t have to!

Anti-inflamatory Hot Chocolate Oatmeal from MindBody Green

Peanut Butter Oatmeal from A Simple Palate

Apple Pie Oatmeal from Brewing Happiness

Blueberry Banana Oatmeal from Fit Mitten Kitchen

All of these wonderful Oatmeals will leave you full and most importantly excited about your next breakfast!
