Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

Before we get started, I want to point out that all honey has some sort of antibacterial properties. Honey has been used for thousands of years to treat a host of ailments. It was not until recently, when scientist tested these theories in labs, that it was proven that honey actually can kill certain bacterias and help with infection. Honey really is amazing. (1)

What is Manuka Honey and how is it different from regular honey?

Although most unprocessed honey has some sort of therapeutic qualities, Manuka Honey stands above the rest. Manuka Honey is harvested in New Zealand and has a special rating system (UMF score) that shows the potency of the honey. A UMF of 15 or higher is best for medical or therapeutic purposes. Some honey has a rating as high as 30 or more. (2)

What  is so great about Manuka Honey?

Manuka Honey is generally helpful with anything that involves some sort of bacterial infection because it is a natural antibiotic and antioxidant. These ailments include, but are not limited to:

  • Helps with eczema and acne. (3)
  • Helps with sore throat or strep. (4)
  • Can aid in reducing seasonal allergies. (5)
  • Helps treat SIBO. (6)
  • Helps treat Acid Reflux. (7)
  • Can manage MRSA/Staph infections. (8)
  • Heals Stomach Ulcers. (9)
  • Helps with wound healing. (10)

How much do I take/where can I get it?

Some people say you can have a tablespoon 3 times a day, some people say you should only have 1 tablespoon a day. I think with anything you should start on the lower end, especially when taking it internally.

When comes to putting Manuka Honey on wounds, you can apply it several times a day under a bandage until the wound is healed.  I used Manuka Honey on a stubborn spider bite that stuck around for weeks, within two days the bite was almost gone. (11)

I buy my Manuka Honey on amazon because they seem to have the best prices. The honey is a bit expensive so finding a deal when you can is great!

Different Brands of Manuka Honey?

These are the brands I have tried and trust. I stick around 15 UMF. (FYI: This post may contain affiliate links. I only endorse products and companies that I believe will be helpful to my readers. Here is our full disclosure policy.)

  1. Wild Cape Manuka Honey
  2. Wedderspoon Manuka Honey

Do you use Manuka Honey Amber?

I do! I use it more on cuts and scraps than internally though. If I feel a little heartburn or stomach pain, I might take a tablespoon once a day for a few days. I always have some on hand and I have given it to many a family member and it helps with their digestion and healing small cuts or bites.

Final Thoughts

Even if eating honey is not your think, Manuka Honey is great for so many other things. You can make a moisturizing face mask, or put it on a stubborn mosquito or spider bite. You can add it to your tea when you have a cough or use it when you feel a stomach bug coming on. I always have one in my pantry and medicine cabinet.

We use antibiotics for so much nowadays and using a natural antibiotic helps prevent antibiotic resistance in the future. So give it a try, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and children under the age of 1 should not use honey.)

“Silence, I discover, is something I can actually hear.” –Haruki Murakami
