Welcome to Tattooed Doves (a flawed lifestyle blog)

Hello wonderful people,

I am glad you could stop by for launch day. Have a nice little browse around. Feel free to leave a comment! I look forward to hearing from all of you. Tattooed Doves is a family and I am so glad you have decided to join in on the fun!

Speaking of Tattooed Doves, the main question I get is what is a Tattooed Dove? Are there just going to be animated doves flying around the webpage? Will there be lots of pictures of doves tattooed on people? If you came for tattoos or doves independently I am sorry to disappoint.

Tattooed Dove was the name of my master’s thesis at Emerson College.

My final collection of poetry was this strange thing, which covered, politics, mermaids, talking wolves and Walt Whitman. It was a bizarre little thing, too dark to be light, to light to be dark. Flaw-filled, but solid-ish at the same time.

That’s a Tattooed Doves—filled with good intentions, riddle with flaws. It’s the lawyer who wears a crisp white shirt and tie during work hours, but when they roll up sleeves, tattoos everywhere. It is carrying pain with grace, or holding grace while contemplating the best path to hell.

It’s duality. It recognizing the good and the bad in ourselves.

Tattooed Doves will cover many topics—it is a flawed lifestyle blog. It might get a bit weird here, but I really hope you decide to stay. I really hope you want to be a Tattooed Dove with me, because it would suck if I made the title of the blog plural and then there is just me.

We will have fashion, photography, book reviews, documentary reviews (so we stay woke), health, wellness, food and we will devour joy!

Welcome and hope you enjoy the ride.


Be hearing from you soon then,




  1. Chris C
    March 21, 2018 / 9:50 pm

    Thank you for creating this space! After reading your wonderful introduction, I was nervous to leave a comment (writing style). But then you mention flaws and so I decided my comment will be the first flaw, maybe.

    • March 21, 2018 / 10:45 pm

      Tattooed Doves is a family, your comment is perfect sunshine! Thanks for reading!